Our Campaigns


Schools and Communities First

Schools and Communities First (SCF) is an effort to restore
$12 billion to schools and communities every year. We believe that our communities deserve the resources to thrive. Through extensive field work such as phone-banking, canvassing, petition gathering, voter education, and community outreach, Ahri advocates for SCF because this initiative provides opportunities for funding to go back into our communities.


United States Census

At Ahri, we believe in the importance of participating in the 2020 Census. Our goal is to inform community members on how billions of dollars are allocated for public services and can go back into the community. Currently, less than 40% of individuals in Orange County have participated in the 2020 Census. Our communities must be counted for and deserve the proper funding and resources to thrive. The deadline to fill out the Census is August 14th.

Click the link below to submit your census online or call one of the following numbers to submit via phone:

  • English (844) 330-2020

  • Korean (844) 392-2020

  • Spanish (844) 468-2020